Common Mistakes New Business Owners Make While Choosing Web Hosting Provider
New business owners must seriously take time and effort in choosing a website hosting service provider. A wrong choice can have a massive impact on website performance. A poor-quality web host can influence how users find information or how they interact with your site. Speed and accessibility are essential to rank top on search results.
If you have a limited budget then choosing the cheapest option is not always cheery, especially when it is to website hosting services. Here are some common mistakes that you can avoid while choosing a suitable web hosting service provider.
Falling for unlimited hoax
Many web hosts offer ‘unlimited’ bandwidth and storage. Usually, there is a catch. There will be a restriction on the file number you can store or a cap on bandwidth usage. If you expect to store vast amounts of files or get plenty of traffic then unlimited plans are not suitable.
Some unlimited plans can decrease speed if a lot of resources are used. A decrease in speed can impact your SEO. Before signing read the fine print to avoid getting trapped. Unlimited is great for small businesses but consider your goal. If it is for website growth or an increase in traffic, then choose a hosting plan with sufficient resources.
Choosing the wrong web host plan
Shared, VPS, and dedicated are the three primary web host plans. Shared is the cheapest but has its cons like limited resources, less control, and security problems. A dedicated plan is extremely expensive but offers high flexibility and control levels. VPS or virtual private server falls between shared and dedicated in terms of cost. Do your due diligence and determine the hosting plan you need and afford.
Choosing a hosting plan without a refund guarantee
While choosing a website hosting plan, you pay for services. There is always a likelihood of something going haywire in the services offered. If the host does not give a refund guarantee then you are stuck with poor or no service if the agency stops working. A good web host offers a refund guarantee because they are confident about their service quality. Consider a provider offering a refund guarantee!
Ignoring security
It is the worst mistake because your website will become susceptible to cyber-attacks if the host you chose has improper security measures. Find what security features are available in the hosting package. If not you will have to incur costly repairs and even lose sensitive data due to hacking and malware attacks.
Not recognizing your limitations
It is crucial to find out your limitations. It includes files type to upload on your website and traffic volume your website can handle within the plan. If it exceeds, you may have to pay extra. Some hosts may even shut down your website if it uses more than the allocated resources. Check the service terms before signing, so that you are aware of your limitations.
Free website hosting services are available but there is limited support, control, and resource. The service provider will include ads and even control what elements to add to your website. It is wise to invest in paid web hosting services and avoid the struggle to keep the site operating smoothly.